Genesis 75 (75mm) Aluminium Windows

Genesis 75 Windows – an innovative three-chamber window system that provides exceptional thermal insulation. Thanks to compliance with the latest standards required from 2021, the thermal parameters of the Genesis 75 are extremely efficient, reaching a Uw coefficient of 0.90.

Genesis aluminium windows
  • Three-chamber window system for designing windows with increased thermal performance. Genesis 75 thermal parameters comply with requirements that will come into effect in 2021 (Uw greater than 0.90)
  • The Genesis 75 system is based on 75mm deep sections used to build frames.
  • Genesis 75 is a system intended for the design of window structures in public access buildings as well as in single-family and multi-dwelling residential buildings a wide range of profiles / profiles available in the offer
  • The Genesis 75 system is used to design modern windows, doors and displays that guarantee high functionality

Genesis 75 (75 mm)

Aluminium windows and doors

Superial (75 mm)

Aluminium windows and doors

Star (90 mm)

Aluminium windows and doors

Imperial (65 mm)

Aluminium windows and doors

Econoline (51 mm)

Aluminium windows and doors

Steel Look (90 mm)

Aluminium windows and doors

Ecofutural (65 mm)

Aluminium windows and doors

Max Light DESIGN (35 mm)

Aluminium windows and doors

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