MC - Wall

MC-Wall curtain wall consists of vertical mullions and horizontal transoms connected with each other by means of bolts made of steel.

MC-Wall aluminium facades

The possible filler thicknesses range from 24 to 31 mm in the case of bolts with a folded thermal break, and up to 42 mm in bolts with a separate thermal break. At the wall installation site, a plastic insulating profile is shot into the posts. The construction of the pole is always traditional: that is, the thermal break, terminal strip and masking strip are separate elements.

Coating according to the RAL palette (Qualicoat 1518), in the wood structure of Aliplast Wood Color Effect (Qualideco PL-0001), anodized finish (Qualanod 1808), also bicolor

Panel walls

Panel walls, also known as facade walls, are a modern, commonly used solution in contemporary architecture. They can be adapted to virtually any project, as aluminum facade systems enable the creation of technically advanced structures of various shapes. Curtain walls are nothing more than an impressive building facade, which is a combination of aluminum and glass. By using an aluminum facade, the newly created building will certainly stand out from the other facades, delighting with its innovative structure. In addition, panel walls provide the rooms with the maximum amount of daylight, excellent thermal and acoustic insulation, which is undoubtedly an advantage of these systems.

MC-Wall aluminium facades

MC Wall

Facade walls

MC Glass

Facade walls

MC Passive

Facade walls

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